Usk astronomical society is an organisation dedicated to encouraging and educating its members and the general public in the beauty that is our galactic home.
Come find us in our new location The Grange
which is conveniently located next door to our old meeting place.
The Next Meeting is on Thursday 16th January at 7:30pm
Meeting as usual is in the Grange, Maryport Street.
Andrew Lohfink will discuss:
Brown Dwarfs
For those wishingto join be Zoom the link is below, this link is valid until half term - until the 20th February 2025. Meeting ID: 869 6926 1432 Passcode: 142970Click Here for Zoom
Our own Martin Stubbs has been able to capture some excellent images of the recent Tscuchinshan-Atlas-A3 Comet.
Now fading quickly into the western skys.
Light pollution is the scourge of amateur astronomers and lovers of a beautiful starry sky alike.
Now you can take part in a global survey where no experience or special equipment is required.
Simply click on the link below to find out more details about the survey and how you can get involved and the link below that to get to the online app to help you easily classify your local sky.
Globe at night instructions
Globe at Night Webapp
The app is able to determine your location, you simply click on the picture that most closely resembles your sky condition and that is it – you have made an observation (weather permitting of course!).